The TMSGA is committed to maintaining sportsmanship, etiquette, and the integrity of the game of golf. With this in mind, the following guidelines for conduct will apply to all:
Code of Conduct Violations:
- Any conduct detrimental to a player, his/her equipment, the golf course, or the host facility
- Un-sportsmanlike conduct including but not limited to abusive language or profanity, club throwing, tantrums, or cheating
- Not following the TMSGA dress code. Should a facility have a stricter dress code, its policy will take precedence.
- Use or association with drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products
- Possession of a weapon. Police will be notified in the event of a violation.
- Gambling
Required Dress at the Golf Course:
- All shirts must have collars and must be tucked in at all times. Girls may wear alternate golf type shirts.
- Mock neck type golf shirts are permitted based on host club policy.
- All shorts must be golf type shorts and Bermuda length.
- All hats and visors must be worn properly.
- All golf shoes must have non-metal spikes.
Prohibited Dress at the Golf Course:
- T-shirts and tank tops are not acceptable.
- Tennis shorts and short length shorts/skorts are not acceptable.
- Blue jeans, denim shorts, and cut-off shorts are not acceptable.
Should a host facility have a stricter dress code, its policy will take precedence.
Headphones, Ear Pieces, & Electronic Devices To eliminate distractions and breaches of etiquette, the use of headphones and ear pieces are prohibited during TMSGA competitive rounds. The use of headphones and ear pieces are discouraged while on property at the host facility including inside the clubhouse and on the practice facilities. Please be aware of cell phone policies at each host facility.
Code of Conduct Violation Penalties The TMSGA may assess any or all of the following penalties based on the severity of the conduct violation:
- Verbal warning to the player
- Disqualify the player from the competition at which the violation occurs.
- Disallow the player to compete in a competition until proper dress code is met.
- Remove spectators from facility and/or competition until proper dress code is met.